
Market Definitions

HHI Calculations

Antitrust and Competition

Cost Benefit Analyses

Transaction Impact Modeling

Pricing Conduct

We have over 10 years of experience in economic analysis in the healthcare industry specific to health system, hospital and medical groups. We have been retained to provide economic advisory services on a number of transactions and provide analyses related to effects of competition (including HHI calculations), alleged price fixing and cost increases, price discrimination, and other antitrust and competitive issues. We engage in pre-transaction advisory work to help clients and their legal counsel to establish market definitions, determine pricing conduct, and advise on monopoly or market dominance allegations. We work with clients and their legal counsel throughout the Hart-Scott Rodino notification process and have experience creating materials and engaging in conversations and presentations to representation from State Attorney Generals, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

We have worked on a variety of transactions including not-for-profit and for-profit mergers, acquisitions, member substitution arrangements, health system or network development, joint ventures, joint operating agreements, strategic partnerships, equity arrangements, management agreements and vertical integration transactions.

We can engage with hospitals and medical groups on other potential economic analysis including:

  • Antitrust litigation regarding staff privileging and exclusive contracting

  • Catholic Religious Directive impact on access to care

  • Payer-provider narrow network product arrangements

  • Demonstrate validity of pricing structure and price increases

  • Determine competitive impacts of health insurer transactions and partnerships

  • Advise on provider National or Regional network development